When Hugh and Jane went looking for a water storage system they were prepared to look at all the options. The Bays are reliant on the Southern Valleys Irrigation Scheme to irrigate their vineyard and they are well aware of the unreliability of rainfall on the east coast. An open dam was an obvious option but was crossed off the short list due to high evaporation levels, potential algae growth and other contaminants, not to mention the neighbour’s pets.

After much consideration and viewing Hugh gave Andre at Flexi Tanks NZ a call and put together a plan and some costings –  Installing a flexi tank that was safe, easy to install and had no evaporation was an easy decision and the order was placed. Hugh and Jane’s tank holds 1200m3 of water and has a footprint of 41 x 21m and goes up to 1.6m in height at capacity.

Andre from Flexi Tanks NZ oversaw the project right from the start and was on site helping with the installation.

The plan was to fill the tank from stormwater and the Southern Valley Irrigation Scheme (SVIS) in the spring when the river levels are high. Hugh has since turned the system on and is very happy with the results, particularly now that they are no longer reliant on the SVIS to keep their vineyard thriving.